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Community Involvement

Who is involved in developing our Neighbourhood Plan?

Everyone who lives or works or plays in Medbourne of course!  That means you and everyone else in the community. And we really do need active community participation if we are to develop a successful Neighbourhood Plan.

The Medbourne Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee (MNPAC) is leading the initiative for the Parish Council and the committee will engage with residents, landowners, businesses, clubs, and anyone else with an interest in Medbourne, to write a plan that promotes our collective vision, objectives and policies to guide development over the next 15 years.  Click here for details of the committee.

How do I find out what’s going on?

The MNPAC hold monthly meetings, usually on the third Wednesday of the month, which you are welcome to attend.  The agendas and minutes are published with their respective meetings on the Meetings page and also on the Village Diary.  A report from the MNPAC is also given at every Parish Council Meeting. Any news will be circulated using the Village email list, so if you haven't signed up yet, please do so by going to Email list.

How can I have my say?

There are many ways you can have your say in the options for Medbourne:

Attend the MNPAC meetings:  Everyone is invited to attend the monthly MNPAC meetings.  Members of the public have the opportunity to make representations, ask questions or give evidence about an item of business on the agenda.  (Note that in accordance with the Parish Council's policy and practice this is limited to three minutes per person and no decisions will be made in response to this item).

Open meetings:  The MNPAC will be running a series of open meetings in the village hall. Information about events will be posted on this web-page, circulated through the Village email, and notices posted on the Parish notice board and outside the Post Office.

Questionnaires:  It is likely that the MNPAC will be sending out questionnaires to all residents.  These will be made available in printed and in electronic formats.

Talk to a committee member:  All committee members live in the village so you can talk to any of them either face to face or by phoning.  Any one of us would be happy to visit you to hear your opinion on the development of the village.

Email us.