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The Neighbourhood Planning Advisory Committee


The Medbourne Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee (MNPAC) has been set up by the Parish Council specifically for the purpose of developing our Neighbourhood Plan.  The committee is appointed by the Parish Council and comprises a group of up to 10 residents and 2 Parish Councillors.  The committee operates under the terms of reference defined by the Parish Council.

Committee Members

The committee currently has ten members:

Bernadette Lee (Chair)
David Nance (Vice Chair & Secretary)
Bill Barrie
Martin Delaney
Paul Griffiths
Caroline Jack
Meriel Godfrey
Trevor Pemberton
Lyn Easton (Parish Councillor)
Tim Gidley Wright (Parish Councillor)

We need additional members for the Neighbourhood Planning Committee - so why not you! For more details, please read our call for new members.

If you would just like to be involved and help - for example with local knowledge, community events, etc. please contact us.


Contact Us

The committee can be contacted by email (neighbourhoodplan@medbourneparishcouncil.co.uk). Alternatively, telephone Bernadette Lee (MNPAC Chair) on 01858 565648 or send post to 38 Manor Road, Medbourne, LE16 8DU.

Or use our contact form on this website.