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Harborough Lotto - Medbourne Village Hall

Medbourne Village Hall has been approved as one of several good causes in the Harborough District that individuals can support by playing the Harborough Lotto - an exciting, effective and fun way of raising funds through the weekly Draw which takes place every Saturday night.

If you are not familiar with the Harborough Lotto, please do take a look and in particular the Medbourne Village Hall page! Anyone over the age of 16 is eligible to play the Lotto; you don't even need to live in the village to be a supporter.

Full details of how the Lotto works can be found on the Harborough Lotto website - reproduced below is a summary explaining what it's all about. Or click the poster (right) to see it full size.

Harborough Lotto was created in 2018 by Harborough District Council for the community. Local good causes are empowered to raise money in a fun and effective way.

In a time of shrinking budgets and increased community need, Harborough Lotto enables people to support the causes they care most about, helping good causes to connect with their supporters.

A ticket for Harborough Lotto costs £1 a week and 60p will go directly to good causes. Each ticket has a 1 in 50 chance to win a prize each week with a top prize of £25,000. That's a better chance of winning than the National Lottery or the Health Lottery.

The Harborough Lotto website covers everything you need to know.



The Committee are very enthusiastic to announce the launch of this new, exciting, fun initiative and we commend the Harborough Lotto to you.

Please support your Village Hall. Thank you.

Set up to support community projects in the local area, Harborough Lotto operates on the principle of raising money within