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Medbourne's Neighbourhood Plan - Introduction


Medbourne Parish Council is committed to developing a Neighbourhood Plan and we have set up an Advisory Committee to help drive this forward.
We want our Neighbourhood Plan to reflect the views and aspirations of the whole Medbourne community and hope everyone will get involved and have their say.

Get Involved

Our Neighbourhood Plan will be subject to local consultation and a referendum before it can be brought into force, so engagement with the community is essential to the process.
We need to reach out to everyone in Medbourne and ensure we generate as much participation as we can.  To achieve this we will be holding open meetings and special events to inform everyone and, most importantly, to listen to your views.

If you would like to be involved and help - for example with local knowledge, the community events, etc. please contact us. We also need more members for the Neighbourhood Planning Advisory Committee - so why not you!  For more details, please read our call for new members.

Learn more